to Mar 9

Missions Meal Fundraiser - Pre Sale

We're excited to be hosting our first Missions Meal Fundraiser! This month we will be

selling a Mexican dinner plate to-go. Each plate will include four birria tacos, rice, beans,

and a drink! Pre-sale will take place for a week, starting Sunday, March 2nd. During the pre-

sale, you will be able to purchase a ticket for this missions meal fundraiser and pick up your

plate on Sunday, March 16th.

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11:00 AM11:00

Media & Tech Gathering

This is an opportunity for all those who are interested in serving or are currently serving

in any capacity on any media or tech teams - sound, pro-presenter, live stream team, and

photography. This meeting is designed to discuss changes, updates, and next steps.

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2:00 PM14:00

MCA Men's March Madness

MCA Men's ministry is kicking off March Madness with Sunday Selection to set up

brackets! Throughout the month of March we will be hosting Game Watch Gatherings

that will include food, a halftime free-throw competitions, door prizes and a grand prize

for whoever predicts the closest bracket!

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4:30 PM16:30

Soup & Sandwich

Our church's monthly Soup & Sandwich is an opportunity to break bread and fellowship

with our entire church family! This is open to everyone to enjoy a free warm meal and the

opportunity to meet and connect with our pastors and others in our church. We would

love for you to join us!

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6:00 PM18:00

Hymns for Him Night

Join us for our monthly Hymns Night! It's an evening to gather with one another to

worship, look back and release songs of praise through our favorite Hymns that have

carried us throughout the years! It's open to everyone - people of all generations,

ethnicities, and backgrounds!

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9:00 AM09:00

Fine Arts Festival

Every year, our youth students participate in our statewide Fine Arts Festival. This gives

our students to discover, develop, and deploy the gifts and talents the Lord has placed

inside of them. Let's encourage and show our support for our students as they step out in

their gifts!

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to Mar 8

Man Camp

Man Camp, our annual statewide AG Men's Advance, is just around the corner! This is an

incredible time to join men from all around the state to be encouraged and challenged in

your faith. There will be various activities, competitions, and giveaways! Registration is

open and the registration fee is $200. For more details on the event or transportation,

please contact Joel Brisson at

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to Mar 1


  • Main Campus - Sanctuary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Global Church gathering together like never before - Every Believer. Every continent.

Together across 25 hours. This is a 25 hour prayer gathering that will be broadcasted all

over the world! This will be broadcasted in the Main Campus Sanctuary. We will have

childcare from 5-7pm on the 28th for parents to come pray.

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12:15 PM12:15


Looking to get more connected in our church and take the next step? MCA Island Revival will be hosting a next steps class, focusing on membership. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about our church’s vision, mission, values, and jump into serving on different serve teams within our church! Refreshments will be provided.

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to Feb 9


  • Google Calendar ICS

Every year, we take time at the beginning of the year to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. The goal is to limit distractions and draw closer to Jesus. There are many ways we can participate in this call to pray and fast as we seek the Lord as a church!

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6:00 PM18:00


Join us for our monthly Hymns Night! It’s an evening to gather with one another to worship, look back and release songs of praise through our favorite Hymns that have carried us throughout the years! It’s open to everyone - people of all generations, ethnicities, and backgrounds!

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to Jan 15


Make plans to join us for a powerful conference! We will gather to worship and hear from leaders in our state, emphasizing who The Holy Spirit is and how The Holy Spirit empowers us. There will be sessions available for kids and youth during evening sessions!

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to Jan 5

Life Groups

  • Google Calendar ICS

Life is Better Connected. Life groups are a key aspect of our church community! Most meet weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader's home). Join a Life Group today! Sessions start September 8th and wrap up December 8th!

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11:00 AM11:00

Thanksgiving Celebration!

We are excited for our annual Thanksgiving Celebration! We want to create a warm, welcoming, fun, and family focused space for our church family and those in our community. All are welcome to join us for tons of food, football games, movies, and more! Feel free to contact the church office for more details and sign up to serve down below!

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9:00 AM09:00

Men's Gathering

Monthly men’s gatherings are geared for all the men of our MCA congregations! Coming up on Saturday, November 9th, the men of MCA, will be meeting at the YDC for coffee, fellowship and an encouraging exhortation, then depart from there to the downtown Hope Center to serve those less fortunate in our community. 

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5:00 PM17:00

Light the Night

  • Hillside Campus (Chapel of the Cross) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Looking for a family-friendly alternative for Halloween? MCA Faith Encounter is hosting Light the Night! There will be tons of candies and activities for kids and coffee for parents - all are welcome to join in on the fun!

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9:00 AM09:00

Guest Speaker: Jeff Deyo

We are thrilled to have guest speaker and guest worship leader, Jeff Deyo, at our church on September 22nd! Jeff Deyo is a worship leader, author, recording artist, songwriter, speaker, & a professor at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. He is known internationally as the former lead singer of the Grammy-nominated, Dove Award-winning group: Sonicflood. Jeff lives to help people grow closer to God.

Jeff has been married to his college sweetheart, Martha, since 1992. Together, they have four amazing children: Roman, Evan, Channing, & Clara.

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